Tuesday, April 24, 2007


hill- group of panicles
panicle- holds the spikelets
spikelets- rice protected by a hull
hull- protection of the rice
grain moisture meter- used to measure grain moisture
thresh- to get the spikelets from the panicles
cropcut- harvesting off crop within 3 5 square meter quadrants in a diagonal form considering the border effect. The harvested crop spikelets are then used for data in research matters
border effect- the tendency for crops within 1 meter of the border of the paddy to be more cared for than those nearer to the center; therefore, any data derived fom these crops near the border is considered biased
GPS (Global Positioning System)- system consisting of 24 satellites, each set with a specific and highly precise orbit, receivers, and a central control station that is located in the U.S.. GPS gives location in terms of longitude and latitude, exact time, graphical imagery, and some other data concerning locations. Developed by the U.S. D.o.D.(Department of Defense), it was soon released to civilian use but with considerable errors in the data.
Posted by: PhilRice Boys!!

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